The primary design philosophy of this office is to always represent the best interest of the overall project and to carefully treat each project as a separate entity in order to accurately address the uniqueness of that project and not project arbitrary desires into the work. This requires several traits, including an open mind to numerous design solutions, the willingness to carefully listen and hear the input from the involved parties, and the flexibility to travel several paths in order to understand all aspects of the project requirements.
Communication, flexibility, and the ability to provide the owner with accurate and objective information is important during the design process. Being able to make accurately informed and objective decisions regarding all aspects of the project design is the key to addressing problem-solving.
Architectural building project design provides the unique opportunity to incorporate a wide cross-section of issues regarding a construction project. Investigation of an existing site in order to assure that the site is appropriate for the project in relationship to surrounding property, size of the property, coordination of on-site to off-site access, environmental issues, and governmental zoning requirements are always addressed. This will assure a campus that will relate to the surrounding community and allows the users to function in an exterior space that is safe, accessible, and comfortable.
Building functional requirements are critical to space planning. All spaces must be accountable to their use along with the inter-relationship of all spaces in order to provide for simple and efficient use of the facility. The building interior design elements must provide an atmosphere that allows people to function without being inhibited by the building design.
We are reality-based designers who relate to budgetary constraints and project scheduling requirements. Anyone can design on an unlimited budget and schedule. It is important to take advantage of the best aspects of function, product, material, and aesthetics to be within the budget. Once again: flexibility and creativity are a necessity to take advantage of every opportunity to provide the best design within the project parameters.
Our primary goal is to assure that the project is more successful for all involved parties because of the participation of this firm.